Black cats seem to be the most common coat color and sadly also the least desirable at adoption time. In fact, black cats are half as likely to find a home than a cat of another color. Why is this? Superstition? Are they perceived as plain? Some speculate that black pets do not photograph well and that makes them harder to place in good homes. I can tell you first hand that you can have a whole room full of cats at an adoption facility and if most or all of them are black cats people will often say, “Oh, you don’t really have many cats for adoption!”
Black cats also fall victim to cruelty, especially around the month of October. Many shelters will not adopt out black cats in October for fear they will fall into the wrongs hands and be subjected to a terrible fate. Just as large black dogs are used in movies to portray a menacing creature, black cats are often still linked to witchcraft and evil. It is terribly sad how discriminated against these wonderful animals are just because of the color of their fur.
If you are considering adopting, please consider adopting a solid black cat. They are the last to be adopted and the first to be euthanized in most shelter environments. Oh, and by the way, they are awesome! Not only are black cats stunningly beautiful, they have amazing personalities! The next time you open your heart and home, give a black cat (or two) a chance!
Hoping that the endearing picture of Caeser below will help sway someone! His expression looks to say, “why would someone not want me just because I am black? My furs are so very shiney and handsome, not too mention the personality and expression on my cute face!”