This project allows the cats to navigate the entire room without ever touching the floor. It features a 6 foot scratch pole, multiple scooped beds as destination points and sisaled cat runs combined with existing furniture pieces and shelving the client already had in place.
Before Catification
After Catification

A blank slate awaiting catification!
Our goal is to make these projects as aesthetically pleasing as possible and have the colors coordinate with the home decor. Meeting your cat's need does not have to be an eyesore.

Now that is more like it.

A view of the desk and workspace pre-catification.

Now that is catified!
Subtlety is the goal! Look at this corner, it is really not all that obvious!

Encouraging exploration with a lure toy.

Lanier being very brave while Jake was still working.

"Hmm. What is up here?"

Before catification

Catified! What a great place to work.

Absolutely love this zigzag! And the cats do too, watch the video.

Check it out from this angle.
A few more pics of them enjoying themselves.

Happy cats!