The handsome Caeser looking like a piece of art.
Vertical space is not just for high volume feline households. Even homes with two or three cats can benefit and thrive from having places to climb, play and perch. Caeser and Fiona use their vertical space daily and love to stretch out and sunbathe as well as play "king of the mountain" by swatting one another off of a perch.
Remember that this provides an outlet for the cat's natural need to climb, condition nails and muscles as well as seek a safe vantage point up high.
Give your cat the gift of height!

Caeser and Fiona exploring.


In progress (Jake maps it out with painters tape first).

Finished product!

The left hand side of the doorway.

Fiona goes for her first pole climb!

Another angle of the left hand side of doorway.


Officially the longest run we have ever made!
Now, just two cats enjoying themsleves!

Caeser walking across the long sisal run.

A good jowl rub marks it as his own!

"Why doesn't this go around the corner, mom & dad?"

What do you think is in this corner you guys?


Happy cats, that is the goal!

The scooped beds are a hit!

Caeser surveying his kingdom.