Java Cats is Atlanta’s first cat café and it is right here in Fundamentally Feline’s neighborhood, historic Grant Park, Atlanta, Ga. We were excited to have the cafe open right here in our backyard and we are proud to have been a part of it.
Our goal for Java Cats was to create a feline wonderland for homeless cats awaiting adoption. Life in the café can be stressful with a constant influx of new humans, funny scents and cats constantly being introduced and then later adopted and leaving. An ever rotating dynamic can make it difficult for most cats to settle in and get comfortable. After all, cats like consistency and routine and life in this environment is everything but consistent!
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Height provides comfort for cats and can help establish hierarchy of a particular space at a particular time. We created many areas where the cats could get up and away from petting hands, young children and of course other cats that they may not get along with.

The Suspension Bridges

The goal with all vertical space, even in private homes, is to not create any “dead ends” where a cat could get trapped. So flow was important to us. That is where the suspension bridges came into play. They are subtle and quite honestly a little hard to notice in some of the photos but that is exactly what we were going for! We painted them black so they would not feel so ominous and looming overhead. We cut peek holes in them so patrons would be able to play with the cats through the holes and take pics of cute faces peering down.

The Front Window Piece

The window piece was tough and required a lot of thought. We had to work with the existing window which was original from when this space was an old grocery store. The window bowed out and upwards so Jake created a structure that followed these lines. He staggered all of the perching spaces and sisaled them for more scratching and maximized coziness. Escape routes and dead ends were avoided to lessen conflict.

Odds and Ends

This scratch easel is a one of a kind artisan piece. Inspired by the reclaimed wood within rustic modern style wall & counter area of the coffee shop, it is a unique addition to the cafe! Jake utilized many different sisal pieces to mimic the look of that wall. This piece is extremely heavy and durable.

The Full Tour

We are thrilled to have been a part of this awesome addition to our local community. Grant Park was already a great neighborhood, and it just got better.